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Stellar Phoenix Solaris-Sparc - Data Recovery Software 2.0

Stellar Phoenix Solaris-Sparc - Data Recovery Software 2.0

Screenshots of Stellar Phoenix Solaris-Sparc - Data Recovery Software

Stellar Phoenix Solaris-Sparc - Data Recovery Software Publisher's Description

Stellar Phoenix (Solaris - Sparc) is NON-DESTRUCTIVE and READ ONLY file & volume recovery software that helps you in recovering your all-important data. Key Features Scans hard drive for missing volumes and presents a list of searchable volumes Verifies integrity of corrupt data structures and builds file tree Performs data recovery from Missing or Lost folders Preserves most file attributes when restoring files & folders. Multi-Disk Drive Support - Performs data recovery on all IDE, EIDE and SCSI hard drives User-friendly interface Interactive tree structure to view and select (tag) and recover files and directories to a safe location. Advanced search options for file search and file filter for Selected recovery of files and folders. Standard "Windows Explorer" - style interface. File System supportedUFS File system

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